
皆さんこんにちは🙌 前回は、IELTSとはどういった試験なのかを、IELTSのエキスパートであるアンソニー先生が解説してくれましたね😃👂

アンソニー・アラン|Anthony Allan
イギリス生まれ、イギリスの大学で、英語教授法修士号(Master of Science in TESOL)取得。英語教育に携わり20年以上、日本人の弱点を熟知したレッスンと独自のカリキュラムに定評あり。英語教授のエキスパートとして著書も多数。

  1. 海外留学を考えていますが、どれくらいのIELTSスコアがあれば日常生活で困りませんか?

    ⇒This really depends on the level of academic study you plan to enter. However, I’d say the very minimum score necessary for simple communication in daily life abroad is IELTS 5.0. With this score you should be able to communicate basic ideas, wants and needs. However, it is important to remember that communicating in the first few months will be especially difficult, but once you get a little used to the local English, it will become easier.



  2. IELTSでハイスコアを取るには、通常どの程度の勉強量が必要でしょうか?

    ⇒The simple answer is to study as much as possible and revise as much as possible. To raise your IELTS score by 0.5, in London and other English-speaking cities, language schools say it is necessary to study for 3 hours per day for three months. This means studying 15 hours per week for 12 weeks, which is a total of 180 hours of studying time in an environment where students daily life is surrounded by English. In Japan, the situation is very different, of course, so that’s why I said you should study and revise as much as possible.



  3. Writingのスコアが伸び悩んでいる人へのアドバイスをください(HighスコアとLowスコア向け)。

    ⇒For all students, regardless of the IELTS Band Score they want, the most important factor is to study hard and review your studies. By reviewing, you will remember more of what you have learnt. Moreover, when studying, students should use a variety of approaches, for instance, studying with an IELTS teacher, studying with an IELTS book at home, using the English on the Internet, reading books and magazines, and watching the news, programmes and films in English on TV. Karaoke is also a great way to develop rhythm in your spoken English! But be careful! Apart from taking IELTS classes and using IELTS textbooks, you must carefully choose what you use from the other approaches. Choose materials that have a good quality of English!



  4. IELTSにおすすめの本や、自宅でもできることを教えてください。

    ⇒Of course, the IELTS book I recommend the most is the one I wrote, IELTS Kanzen Kouryaku. Many students have said it is a great book and it has complemented their studies and helped them get their desired band scores, which is very pleasing for me. However, students should also do supplementary studying, as I mentioned a moment ago. Regarding textbooks, students should not use too many different IELTS books when they study at home, because sometimes they give different advice. Use one or two good self-study books, and use them intensively.

